A Little Inspiration
Total Pull Up Count: 55,000
If you need a little inspiration to get up and actually do something with your life today, there’s an awesome song by a very clean-cut and wholesome group (they might even be a Christian rock band, idk though) called Mötley Crüe. I slapped on “Kickstart My Heart” at the beginning of my workouts today and I’m about to run headfirst in to a brick wall (or maybe that’s because I had two Bangs already and it’s not even noon). Anyways, I knocked out 500 pull-ups and 500 push-ups in 59 minutes this morning and immediately went on a mile run afterwards. Now I don’t run. I just don’t do it. I can’t understand how or why people enjoy it (your faces look absolutely miserable when you run) and before you come at me, It’s the same thing as why you don’t understand why I do 500 pull-ups in a day. We’re both psychos, let’s leave it at that. I’m so glad I got my mile run in for the year so now I’m covered till 2021. Get up, get after it, listen to the Christian Rock group, Mötley Crüe.