I keep forgetting to post.
I keep forgetting to post.
Bought new peanut butter today. We’ll see how long it lasts.
Got it in just in time.
Was about to fall asleep and realized I had to update my blog that no one reads!!
Total Pull-Up Count: 37,300
…and today is not that day.
Total Pull-Up Count: 36,800
Look at this quarantitty tan line! Spend your lunch outside, take all your conference calls outside, Zoom a recording of you in a suit and tie as your background, dial in to the call, and get some of that illegal sun.
Conference calls are the best time to workout.
500 Pull-Ups today.. again…
It’s pretty incredible how far you can push your body. For the last 2.5 weeks (since WFH started) I’ve been knocking out 500 pull-ups and 500 push-ups a day. The time it takes to drive to and from work is gone, changing in and out of my corporate costume is obsolete, and lunch is two steps away in my fridge. Realistically, that’s about 45 minutes extra a day that I’ve gained. I felt like I maximized my days before this whole debacle, so why not take it to the extreme? Might as well crank out a few hundred extra pull-ups. Might as well make the most of this time because there’s literally nothing we can do except wait it out.
Total Pull-Up Count: 34,800
I should probably stretch more. #Evan #EvanBoydstun
Total Pull-Up Count: 33,300
Day 13(?) of corn teen and the moral is high. There’s literally nothing else to do, except for pull-ups and prison workouts so the lats are tight. Yesterday, I subscribed to The Great Courses Plus to watch some lectures and get a mental pump while I work out. Don’t worry everyone, I’ve got this. I’ll figure this out since this is my first lecture.
There’s literally nothing to do except pull-ups.
No content.
Day ? of quarantine.
There’s literally nothing to do except pull-ups. 500 today.
Total Pull-Up Count: 30,800
Total Pull-Up Count: 30,300
This is terrible.