29,300 Pull-Ups
Did 500 pull-ups today while on conference calls.
Did 500 pull-ups today while on conference calls.
Total Pull-Up Count: 28,800
Day 2 of quarantine and Day 2 of only eating protein bars. I wanted to cry thinking about having another Donut Quest Bar. After my 7th protein bar today, I decided my insides couldn’t take it anymore. I Door Dashed some Hawaiian BBQ and made sure to add steamed broccoli. I heard my insides scream with joy after my first bite of greens (or maybe that was the 7 protein bars in my bowels? Either way, I heard something.).
Total Pull-Up Count: 28,300
Day one of only eating protein bars and I’m so bloated. Worth it. I was told that the Bay Area is going to be at the level right before total lock-down so I made sure to stock up on the necessities.
Total Pull-Up Count: 27,800
As long as the one old guy on the elliptical didn’t have Covid-19, I think the gym is the best place to quarantine right now. There was literally no one there except for me and Geriatric George.
Total Pull-Up Count: 27,400
Guess who I saw at the Karaoke bar last night… Seth, the dude that serves me my chicken wings. He absolutely CRUSHED 867-5309, definitely got the crowed going.
Guess who served me my chicken wings today.. that’s right, wholesome MF Seth! He appreciated my rendition of Sweet Caroline. Don’t worry, we disinfected the mic with Jameson.
However, it’s almost 6:00pm and I can hear my pulse in my head.
Total Pull-Up Count: 27,100
Total Pull-Up Count: 26,600
If you ever want to feel like you sit at the top of the gene-pool, just go to the grocery store during the apocalypse.. and wait to use the self-checkout lane. There was a lady trying to get 40lbs of potatoes (like she was in math class equation) and would growl (yes growl), “JEE-SUHS CHA-RIST” every time a potato would roll off the baggage area. To make matters worse, this particular Safeway JUST installed self-checkout, and they put the kiosk backwards (also there’s 3 kiosks and one is already broken). So equation lady started loading the potatoes on what is usually the right side, had to transfer to the other side, kept getting confused, screamed our lawd and savior’s name, and I was finished up when she was halfway through weighing her roots. Amazing.
I seriously hope I never go bald..
Evan Boydstun in his prime.
Wasted my Monday nights watching the bachelor.
This season of the bachelor is week.
Total Pull-Up Count: 25,000
Percent of 2020 completed: 18.57%
Twas my lovely mother’s Birthday yesterday but technically it’s her birth month. I was back in Palm Springs to celebrate and somehow finessed my way out of the rain in San Jose. I got a sunburn on my nose and there’s nothing like coming back from the weekend with a glorious tan and seeing my pasty coworkers.
The prince and princess of the Boydstun Household.
Total Pull-Up Count: 24,500
I woke up this morning at 5am and wanted to “rest my eyes” for 10 more minutes. Next thing I know it’s 6:30am and I ruined my chances of getting a morning workout it. Whatever, just roll with the punches. Ended up knocking out 300 pull-ups in 28 minutes during lunch so we’re back in business.
Total Pull-Up Count: 23,700
I did bicep curls for the first time today since December. I haven’t really felt the need to do them because of the whole “400+ pull-ups a day” thing. They look pretty good.
Evan Boydstun
I started doing my first few sets with a 50lbs kettle bell these last few days and oh my god I’m sore.
Yup, that’s all I’ve got for content.
After doing 200 pull-ups during lunch, I had to knock out 200 more post-work. Started my first 40 with a 50lbs kettle bell attached to me and finished the next 60 with a 25lbs kettle bell. Wrapped it up with 100 more after that.
Hi, Evan Boydstun here and we’re about 18% through the year and I’m currently 22% of the way through my goal. Oh my god I woke up with the shakes so bad today. My sweat smelled like an IPA and tequila sodas so I would formally like to apologize to everyone at the 24Hour Fitness Super-Sport in San Jose. Currently, I’m on a quest to get my serotonin levels back to normal after this weekend so any and all tips are very much appreciated.
Evan Boydstun in flavortown
Total Pull-Up Count: 21,700
It has come to my attention that it is indeed, a leap year. This means I’ll just finish my pull-ups for the year by October 12th instead of October 13th.
Going to wake up in a few hours and do a few hundred more.