Mission Peak The Day After An Aggressive Brunch
Total Pull-Up Count: 1500
Good god I love brunch. Earned every mimosa yesterday, and then some. Today’s a new day though, woke up in a daze at 4:00am wondering what year it was, chugged some water and fell back asleep till 7:45am. I had plans to hike Mission Peak at 10:30am since it’s sunny and I enjoy the natural bronze (no I don’t do tanning beds, I just have glorious olive skin).
However, guess what the means? That’s right, pull-ups.
I decided to knock out 150 before mission peak, then, got to the top of the mountain in 66 minutes, and finally knocked out the last 150 afterwards. The lats are tight but this resolution is tighter (if that even makes sense?).
I rewarded myself with 15 chicken wings and a rack of ribs.
The view from Mission Peak is worth the internal screaming.