Use And Abuse My Body, A Memoir
Total Pull-Up Count: 1900
Total Pull-Ups Today: 400
This is terrible/great news. Terrible, because I now have a new baseline of how many pull ups I should do in one day. Terrible, because I’m so competitive with myself that I’m going to try to hit 500 in a day just “because.” Terrible, because I’m probably going to have to increase the amount from 100,000 pull ups to 150,000? Why not 200,000?
It was great, because I love using and abusing my body. Great, because when I’m my dad’s age, I’ll be able to run circles around my kids on a casual 14 mile hike, just like my dad. Great, because it’s amazing to see how far I can really push myself, and realize that I was only doing 100, 200, 300 pull-ups since that’s all I thought I could do. I stopped because I was hungry and wanted to eat some chicken wings (15 to be exact).
I work in an office, 8-5, and I absolutely love my job, but I also love to destroy my body, see my problem here? My system took some time to figure out but I’ve got it down to a science. Ruin my body on the weekends, be the epitome of health during the work week. I love it.
Today, my lunch break consisted of 200 pull-ups, 150 Push-Ups, and 150 Dips. After work, I did 50 squats and 200 more Pull-Ups.
Now I’m about to watch the bachelor. Balance, people. Balance.
Also, pops thinks he’s a comedian since he learned what GIF’s are (see below for context)