In The Beginning Pt. 2

Total Pull-Up Count: 49,500

One of my very first posts to kick off this extremely successful blog was about my origin story of when I was a little chubster. However, my mom dug up something from the archives while she was quarantine cleaning that needs to be shared: My 5th Grade Science Fair Project (apparently we’re hoarders because why do we still have that preserved?!). Anyways, while most 10-year-olds did projects the night before, chya boi went all the way to district. My experiment was called “Kid Fit” (see below, my writing has looked exactly the same since 5th grade).


Basically, for about 8 weeks, I trained every day with my dad to “see the affect that exercise has on the body” (yeah no shit it’s good for you lol). Below you can see my extremely technical analysis of my results, and would you look at that.. went from ZERO pull-ups to ONE. So truly, this is the beginning. Unfortunately, I got fat the next year via sleeves of Oreos and Dr. Pepper but hey, still pretty neat.
