
We are currently 50% through the year, and I’m 81.5% through this challenge. Nothing warms my heart more than remembering the arm chair quarterbacks that said I couldn’t do this. As we gear up for the second half of the year, I’m realizing I can probably do another 100,000 more since I’m fully ramped up. We’ll see.


Currently doing a fitness challenge at work to raise money for our philanthropy. Today’s event was Burpees. I’ve legitimately never done more than like 3 Burpees so I had to YouTube how to do them. Ended up doing 52 in two minutes. Then continued on to crush a lunchtime workout.

80K Baby

I know what you’re thinking, yes, I’m ripping through these. At this rate, I can do 200,000 pull-ups before the end of the year…. which means that I’m probably going to end up doing that since I’m putting it out there. However, I THOUGHT I was in decent shape last year. The best part about being egotistical is that you take a lot of pictures of yourself. BUT the best part about being hyper-self critical means you can actively compare these pictures. Take a gander below. (Even threw in a helpful text box in case you can’t tell which one is the current me)

Evan Boydstun #EvanBoydstun

Evan Boydstun #EvanBoydstun

Get addicted to the endorphins, inject them in to my veins. Slap a nice filter on and call it a day.


The weight vest has been an absolute game changer but now it looks like I have hickies on my neck from the constant rubbing. And I’m at my childhood house in the desert so I get funny looks from my parents… but come on, I’ve been stuck at home with my twin bed from highschool that still has “sports” covers on it. I’m not bringing anyone over…