
I figured I’d go out with style and knock out 2 goals at once. I ended up doing 1,000 pull-ups today, which put me at my goal of 100,000 on the year. Now I know what you’re all thinking (all three of you that read this), “THeReS No wAy yOu CaN dO 1000 PuLl uPs iN a DaY!!” Fine, the last 100 reps were.. questionable but come on, give me a break, most people can’t even do one pull up! Regardless, I have the rest of the year to knock out the last 100 pull-ups BUT let’s take a gander at how stupid my back looks.

Evan Boydstun

Evan Boydstun

This is an 8.5 month difference. December 14th 2019 to current day. I can’t stop laughing at how dumb my back looks lol, I love it! Since this is the 100K post, I feel like I need to be a bit more sentimental so let’s run through the last few months:

When I embarked on this audacious/ludicrous goal, there were so many arm-chair quarter backs that all said it can’t be done. Just because YOU can’t do it, doesn’t mean I can’t. Losers.

I was only able to do about 300 pull-ups a day and I would have to split them up with 150 in the morning and 150 at night.

Then the Pandemic hit in March (arguably the best thing to ever happen to my body and liver).

To keep my sanity, all I did was work out. I very conveniently only had a pull-up bar. My professional life was in shambles, so to overcompensate and feel like I had a sense of control, I went OVERBOARD on the personal development. So far, this year I’ve:

  • Read 19 Books

  • got in to running, hit a 6:07 mile time, while I’m a ball of meat.

  • Ran a 5K in 24 minutes (give me a break, this is good for me)

  • Ran a spartan race

  • Kicked a nicotine addiction cold turkey (it was easy)

  • got a puppy (bby gurl, Denali)

  • Learned the Harmonica and Banjo (sorta… not really)

  • Started writing music again

  • Haven’t gotten a haircut since February

  • Did 1000 pull-ups in a day (today)

  • Signed up for health insurance (big deal)

  • raised my credit score to 762, not impressive but still going up since my only debt left are student loans

  • Did yoga twice, probably never going to do it again

  • Haven’t gotten covid (I think I haven’t?)

  • Gained 3 lbs. so I’m a consistent 180lbs. even in the morning after my coffee poo.

And many many more to come.

So…. everything I listed… none of it matters. Yes, I feel like I’ve been able to accomplish a ton of things since we started working from home, but my favorite part about this time is the personal development.