…10 days later, I’ve lost all my gains.
This picture looks phenomenal in black and white too (see below)
In all seriousness though, I feel extremely liberated now that I don’t have to do 500 pull-ups every day. Yeah yeah I know I didn’t have to do that EVERY day but you don’t understand what this did to my head. The whole thing turned in to a game. It started with 300 pull-ups a day, split between two sessions. Then I was able to do 300 in an hour. Then I kicked it up to 400 in two sessions, and then 500 (300 during lunch, 200 after work). Eventually I got to the point where I could do 500 pull-ups in 40 minutes flat.
Also, since I posted my thirst trap Instagram last week, I’ve had about 40 different people (seriously I appreciate it) reach out to me and ask me about my workout where I jokingly would say “500 pull-ups and a rotisserie chicken. Every. Single. Day.” Which is an absolute lie. Along with the 100,000 pull-ups, there was about 100,000 push-ups to go along with them. At least 10,000 handstand push-ups. Also, if you remember, I built a barbell that I used for everything else. Also also, add in a hike every weekend. Also also ALSO, When I came back to the desert in May, my dad had a full gym ready for me. So add in a few thousand squats and deadlifts. Basically, 100,000 pull-ups help… but I didn’t JUST do that. Sorry, I’m a fraud.