Hey… It’s Been A While

Today was supposed to be the day of my race. Everything is cancelled this year… fun, Ellen DeGenerous… and also… my triathlon. I woke up this morning realizing how NOT in shape I would be for a 1 mi. swim, 25 mi. bike ride, and 6.2 mi. run today, but that’s okay. I switched back to getting caked-up instead of working on my endurance. What is “running far” going to do for me? Anyways, here’s some progress pics.

Evan Boydstun looking to the left like he’s on the cover of a Christian Rock Band album cover.

Evan Boydstun looking to the left like he’s on the cover of a Christian Rock Band album cover.

Current Specs:

Weight: 185lbs (after my morning coffee poo) up about 6 lbs since the start of quarantine.

Hair: needs a trim.

Tan: still got it.

Shadows and shading: *chef’s kiss*