
It’s a sad day here in the desert. To give some context, I was lost and lonely after I finished my 100K pull-ups. I had no purpose in life. Absolutely nothing to live for except maintaining these washboard abs. I was in a funk, simple as that. I realized that I’m inherently competitive with myself in anything I do and I needed some sort of competition based event to get me out of this lull. I figured: I know how to swim, I know how to ride a bike, and I know how to run, why not sign up for a triathlon in 8 weeks? Well, that’s exactly what I did, and I’ve been training for it every day for the last 2 weeks. I regret to inform all 3 of you that read this blog, that the triathlon has been cancelled. Not ideal, even though the competitors are most likely the pinnacle of health, but we have to adhere to the rules and regulations. No worries, I’m just going to keep up my training because I like looking like an athlete for no damn reason.

Evan Boydstun with his signature stupid smirk.

Evan Boydstun with his signature stupid smirk.