Lemme Take You Through My Day
Total Pull-up Count: 61,500
6:30am: 1 mile walk - seriously this sets my day up so well, especially now that I’m friends with the other regular “walkers” and we do the white guy face smile where you lift the sides of your mouth to acknowledge each other, you guys know what I’m talking about.
6:53am-7:50am: 500 Pull-ups, 500 push-ups, 50 handstand push-ups. The usual.
8:00am: Werk.
11:30am: ran a 6:39 mile, because why not? ALSO, this is my 3rd mile I’ve ever ran since high school (8 years since I graduated). Runners… you have 24 hours to respond. I ran this 6:39 mile with no practice, just with straight willpower. I have tiny legs. May I remind you I’m 5’9” on a good day with size 12 clown feet. I should not be a sub 7 minute. My genetics literally work against me. Your sport is easy… but I digress…
12:00pm: some facepulls because my posture is god awful in quarantine. Lookin like Quasimodo working a call-center job.
2:00pm: off werk.
2:30pm: hike up mission peak. Got up to the top in 55minutes, took a few pictures because I’m a content whore, and then slipped on my way down multiple times because gravity can be a bitch sometimes.
Anyways, today was a lovely day.