Running Is Easy.
Total Pull-Up Count: 62,000
Alright. Running is a joke. I ran a 5K today with ZERO training, and just straight willpower. Just a tad below 25 minutes. This is the longest I’ve ever ran, and I’m a meatball with tiny legs, and size 12 clown shoes. If I can do this sport with ease, I’d love for a runner to put up a decent squat, at least bench their weight (which wouldn’t be too much, Ive seen how sickly some of you runners look), or just do literally ANYTHING physically taxing.
Evan Boydstun’s 5K time.
Okay I know what some of you will say.. “I mean that’s just an average time… blah blah” yeah but I haven’t been training the past decade and realistically I didn’t know what I was doing and just jammin out to some Expendables. I know I can get a competitive time with just willpower once again but goddamn this sport is boring.