Rolled out of bed at 5:30am.
knocked out 150 pull-ups.
Went back to the church of iron after work.
knocked out 250 more.
Big day of brunch tomorrow.
That is all.
Rolled out of bed at 5:30am.
knocked out 150 pull-ups.
Went back to the church of iron after work.
knocked out 250 more.
Big day of brunch tomorrow.
That is all.
Total Pull-Up Count: 5000
Total Pull-Ups Today: 400
Everyone. I don’t know how else to say this but.. My physique is looking amazing… and we’re only 16 days in to this challenge. The lats are large and in charge, I’m about to take flight with these wings. I’ve had to re-do my whole wardrobe and get new corporate costumes for work.
I’m so proud of how far I’ve come so I thought I would share a progress pic with you all. I don’t EVER take shirtless pics so I’m a little nervous.
Evan Boydstun
Total Pull-Up Count: 4600
Getting shafted over here at work this week so no update except I did some pull-ups today.
Total Pull-Up Count: 4200
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
Current Pull-Up Count: 3800
After my pull-ups, I went to Safeway to get my chicken wings. Okay so this is my normal routine and I’m pretty good friends with the people behind the glass that serve me my wings from the hot bar. It was so sweet, one of the hot bar peeps was telling me that she missed me yesterday but she was celebrating her 7 year wedding anniversary. She was so happy that she threw in an extra 3 wings on top of my normal 15 wings that I eat for dinner every night.
Yes.. Every. Single. Night. (I switch up the sauces so I never get bored).
I was even more stoked for her wedding anniversary after that generous gesture.
More wings for my wings.
Anyways, this is how the little kids coughed behind me my whole flight home from Dallas yesterday, so I’m 100% planning on getting sick.
Current Pull-Up Count: 3,500
I am BACK and ready to run through a brick wall, as I had a very healthy amount of Corporate KoolAid at the conference in Dallas. But everything truly is bigger in Texas, including my ego. I’d like to thank all my fans that approached me about my challenge, thanks for pausing my Instagram stories to read these posts. Honestly, I really just wanted a website with my name on it cause it sounded really cool, but then I at least needed SOMETHING to do with it.. so now I have an expensive pull-up tracker!
I flew out to Dallas on Thursday afternoon and figured I had already budgeted to miss two days of pull-ups. However, chya boi knew he was wearing a sleeveless Canadian tuxedo at the Honky Tonk on Saturday so at 5:30am Friday morning: Pull-Ups.
Friday night and all of Saturday, I was an absolute menace to my body, crushing cookies left and right, as well as consuming a lot of low-quality liquid poison.
My favorite way to prevent the Sunday Scaries is to put my body through the ringer and sweat out all of the sin from the weekend. It’s “Self-Love Sunday” with my own personal touch. I was able to bounce back fast with 400 pull-ups, 300 push-ups, and 200 dips, in a total time of 61 minutes (really disappointed in myself for not hitting below an hour). But good god that Sunday sweat is something else, lemme tell ya. Alas, we’re back on track and still ahead of schedule and I can’t wait to wake up at 5:30am and do it all over again.
So with that, I’ll leave you with two of my favorite quotes/mantras (written in my kindergarten handwriting).
Don’t worry, I’m still ahead.
current Pull-Up count: 3,100
Somehow someway I managed to wake up this morning (or yesterday morning? It’s 12:39am in Dallas Texas right now) and did 200 Pull-ups. I’m at 3100. That’s it, that’s the update.
Total Pull-Up Count: 2900
Woke up and did 300 pull-ups this morning. The last 40 were a little questionable so I’m going to have a stern talking with myself about this situation…
Hi, Evan Boydstun here to let you know that I have tumors on my back. The lats are adjusting quite swimmingly, if I do say so myself. Sure, I look like Quasimodo, but maybe he was pumping out some pull-ups before he filmed his scenes in The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Who knows, never judge a book by its cover (I think that was the theme of the movie?).
Tomorrow, I’ll be heading to Dallas so the alarms are set to get up and it it even earlier. And with that, I leave you with my favorite quote that I heard from Dr. Phil of all people (who probably heard from someone else, who heard from someone else, who heard…)
”Winners do things that losers don’t want to do.”
Total Pull-Up Count: 2600
Ladies and gentlemen, Evan Boydstun here to announce that we are OFFICIALLY 2.25% of the way through this challenge, and we’re only 1.9% of the way through this year. This is big. However, I’ve been breaking my back (literally) these last few days because I’ll be in Dallas from Thursday to Sunday and you can best be sure that I won’t be treating this body of mine like the Sistine Chapel. Therefore, I’ll probably fall behind.
Oh well, there’s still 98.1% left in the year.
Total Pull-Up Count: 2,250
Total Pull-Ups Today: Only 350
Here’s me doing the last 50 pull-ups today to hit 400 (see image below)
Total Pull-Up Count: 1900
Total Pull-Ups Today: 400
This is terrible/great news. Terrible, because I now have a new baseline of how many pull ups I should do in one day. Terrible, because I’m so competitive with myself that I’m going to try to hit 500 in a day just “because.” Terrible, because I’m probably going to have to increase the amount from 100,000 pull ups to 150,000? Why not 200,000?
It was great, because I love using and abusing my body. Great, because when I’m my dad’s age, I’ll be able to run circles around my kids on a casual 14 mile hike, just like my dad. Great, because it’s amazing to see how far I can really push myself, and realize that I was only doing 100, 200, 300 pull-ups since that’s all I thought I could do. I stopped because I was hungry and wanted to eat some chicken wings (15 to be exact).
I work in an office, 8-5, and I absolutely love my job, but I also love to destroy my body, see my problem here? My system took some time to figure out but I’ve got it down to a science. Ruin my body on the weekends, be the epitome of health during the work week. I love it.
Today, my lunch break consisted of 200 pull-ups, 150 Push-Ups, and 150 Dips. After work, I did 50 squats and 200 more Pull-Ups.
Now I’m about to watch the bachelor. Balance, people. Balance.
Also, pops thinks he’s a comedian since he learned what GIF’s are (see below for context)
Total Pull-Up Count: 1500
Good god I love brunch. Earned every mimosa yesterday, and then some. Today’s a new day though, woke up in a daze at 4:00am wondering what year it was, chugged some water and fell back asleep till 7:45am. I had plans to hike Mission Peak at 10:30am since it’s sunny and I enjoy the natural bronze (no I don’t do tanning beds, I just have glorious olive skin).
However, guess what the means? That’s right, pull-ups.
I decided to knock out 150 before mission peak, then, got to the top of the mountain in 66 minutes, and finally knocked out the last 150 afterwards. The lats are tight but this resolution is tighter (if that even makes sense?).
I rewarded myself with 15 chicken wings and a rack of ribs.
The view from Mission Peak is worth the internal screaming.
Total count: 1200
Last night while I was slightly inebriated, I was conned in to going to a SoulCycle class at 8:30am. I was vulnerable. Taken advantage of. But I’m a man of principle and I committed. It was an absolute blast. By minute 12, I was feeling the endorphins and giggling the whole time.
However, when the class was over, I realized I needed to do my 300 pull-ups. I drove straight to 24Hour Fitness and knocked them out in less than an hour.
Seize The Day. It’s time for brunch.
Jk, I’m at 900 Pull-Ups.
And so we begin. Once again, I’m Evan Boydstun.
Current pull-up tally on January 2nd: 600 Pull-Ups
300 yesterday, and 300 today.
In Order for me to hit 100,000 pull-ups in a year, I need to hit 273.972603 pull-ups/day (this justifies any partial reps when I get tired)
So why pull-ups?
Look, I’m 5’9’’ on a good day so I was never the biggest kid, never the strongest, and never the fastest BUT I realized that pull-ups are one of those movements that aren’t necessarily based on size (unless you’re a knuckle scraper then.. sorry). Not everyone can do them and it was definitely impressive to see someone bang out 10+ pull ups in one set (at least impressive to me). They are, more or less, relative to YOUR strength. It became very personal to me because I was competing with myself. I currently weigh 178lbs. depending on what I did the night before, so if someone tried to tell me “oh but you weigh less than me,” (sure, there’s some merit to that) ..so I started adding weight to my pull ups. If you’re active, you should have the relative strength.
Today (January 2nd) I worked out during my lunch break as well as afterwork. Thankfully, I have a gym below my office building where I can bang out 200 pull-ups, 150 Dips, and 150 push-ups in about 30 minutes (and yes there’s showers). When I left the office, I went straight to the gym to do a shoulder workout (I have tiny shoulders, please bully me people, that works for me) and knocked out 100 more pull-ups.
I get it, 300 pull-ups, can I REALLY do that?
Funny you should ask arm-chair quarterbacks!
This has been years in the works. To circle back, everyone else was bigger and stronger than me but I found something that would give me my own personal edge. I started with assisted pull-ups until I was finally able to do 1 completely unassisted, and then built from there.
Fast forward to the beginning of 2019: I saw Aquaman and OH MY GOD what a Hunk amirite?? I looked up Jason Mamoa’s training for Aquaman and noticed he was doing a bunch of HIIT workouts that included a ton pull-ups. I started replicating the workouts and realized I was increasing the amount that I could do in one session tremendously. Also, HIIT workouts came in to play at the perfect time as I was traveling a lot for work and some of the hotel gyms only had a pull-up bar and some free weights, so I learned to love it.
In October, I got to the point where I was doing a set of 10 pull-ups with a 50lbs. Kettle Bell attached to me, immediately drop off the weight and knock out 10 more. 5 Sets for 100 overall reps. I figured that would translate to 200 reps with no weight, and it did.
And here we are now, 300 Pull-Ups in a day… about 7 years of hard work in the making.
6 Weeks ago, when I decided to do this personal challenge, I had to make sure I could even work up to 300/day and lemme tell ya, these lats were sore.
Check out how absolutely cheesy I look, the quote on the back of the shirt is the icing on the cake.
Evan Boydstun lookin corny as hell.
Evan Boydstun in August 2008 and September 2019
Because, why not? This is how I’m starting my blog because my life has been full of “why not?” Such a simple phrase that has lead to some of the most amazing decisions I’ve made throughout my short 25 years in life. The reason for wanting to do 100,000 pull-ups in the calendar year of 2020? Literally no specific reason. I just started thinking about how many pull-ups I’ve done so far this year (2019) and I’m at about 40,000. So why not try to do 100,000?
Before I embark on this journey, I want to share a little back story as to why I am the way that I am. Let’s circle back to 2007. Plain and simple, I was fat. I was taking down a sleeve of Oreo’s and guzzling a Dr. Pepper every single day. The only reason I would stop was when I heard the garage door open when my parents would come home from work, prompting me to hide the evidence. This had been going on for almost a year, starting in 2006 (see below for reference).
Evan Boydstun in his prime.
During this “pivotal” time in my young life, I was being bullied a bit at school. It never really phased me too much at first, but of course it started to take it’s emotional toll. The crux of the matter came to head in February, 2007. My younger brother and I were brushing our teeth in the bathroom we shared, when out of nowhere, he looks down at my shirtless, protruding belly and announced, “Evan, you’re fat.” *Unleash the flood gates*
I cried my eyes out that night. My mom wrapped her arms around me to console me and my dad attempted to show me what fat people “actually” look like by putting a beach ball underneath his shirt, and walking out to greet me - while chowing down on chocolate cake. Hindsight 20/20… it’s absolutely hilarious to look back on this night, but in my fit of rage, I thought my dad was making fun of me and was adding to the insults. There’s no sense of attempting to instill any source of logic in to an emotional, pre-pubescent, middle school child.
However, that night fundamentally rewired my brain in such a positive way, I cant stress enough how thankful I am to have been “fat shamed.” While I was laying in bed still sniveling, I started thinking about WHY people were making fun of my weight. I identified that it was inherently MY fault why I was chubby and starting thinking about all of the factors that have led to this moment. No more feeling sorry for myself. I realized “If I don’t want to be fat… then I don’t have to…” I made the decision to literally and figuratively “trim the fat.” No more soda (haven’t had a full soda since that night - chaser is different) no more burgers and fries (I was slamming 2 burgers a day sometimes) and no more candy (I currently have a terrible sweet tooth but I earn my carbs).
At Midnight, I jumped out of my bed, flipped on my lights, and did sit-ups till 3:00am. I’m not going to lie, that’s pretty damn impressive for a 12 year old, but it goes to show how important having control of your mind is to reach these goals. As I progressed in my fitness journey, I received a weight set for my 13th birthday at the very end of 7th grade. All summer long, I focused on my eating habits and developing baby muscles. I dropped from being a meatball at 135lbs down to 110lbs. “But that was just baby fat” yeah yeah shut up… I’ve heard it all, this is my story, not yours and my breaking point is without a doubt the most important thing to ever happen to me. I was a dumb 12 year old and made the conscious decision to get my life in order. I use that mindset STILL when I have a new goal in life. If I could do it back then, I can do it now.
Evan Boydstun