Total Pull-Up Count: 59,500

Here are a few FAQs I get periodically in DMs that I thought I would answer.
1. There’s no way you do 500 pull-ups in a day.
Thats a statement not a question but yeah, you’re right, sometimes I do 600.
Do you actually eat chicken wings EVERY night?
Before quarantine, I legitimately ate 15 chicken wings every single night, sometimes throwing in a rack of ribs. Don’t knock it till you try it, because come on… it obviously works.
Oh I could never do that.
Once again, that’s a statement, but winners do things that losers don’t want to do.
How do you find the time to do this every day?
Once again, winners do things that losers don’t want to do.
Stop saying that, we get it.
Winners do things that losers don’t want to do.
6. F*%k off.
Winners do things that losers don’t want to do.

A Little Inspiration

Total Pull Up Count: 55,000

If you need a little inspiration to get up and actually do something with your life today, there’s an awesome song by a very clean-cut and wholesome group (they might even be a Christian rock band, idk though) called Mötley Crüe. I slapped on “Kickstart My Heart” at the beginning of my workouts today and I’m about to run headfirst in to a brick wall (or maybe that’s because I had two Bangs already and it’s not even noon). Anyways, I knocked out 500 pull-ups and 500 push-ups in 59 minutes this morning and immediately went on a mile run afterwards. Now I don’t run. I just don’t do it. I can’t understand how or why people enjoy it (your faces look absolutely miserable when you run) and before you come at me, It’s the same thing as why you don’t understand why I do 500 pull-ups in a day. We’re both psychos, let’s leave it at that. I’m so glad I got my mile run in for the year so now I’m covered till 2021. Get up, get after it, listen to the Christian Rock group, Mötley Crüe.


I’m An Adult

Total Pull-Up Count: 54,000

Everyone, please congratulate me for becoming an adult today. I finally bought and built a bed frame since moving to the Bay (before that, I had a futon…. yes I know). But before you start attacking me… I had like 3 big foam mattresses all stacked up, so I called the look “modern struggles” and it was decent, never received any complaints, at least to my face I didn’t (most definitely in a groupchat with pictures and screenshots, just getting absolutely roasted though). Also, I don’t get much sleep as it is but I sleep like a rock because of the 3 foam mattresses (those podcast ads know how to get me). However, when I bought my bed frame, I didn’t realize how tall it would be. This is my POV looking at the TV.


Broke the Cardinal Rule

Total Pull-Up Count: 52,500

Fitspo influencers were turning in their graves yesterday when I posted a video of me lifting… in the shade….. apparently in the biz, lighting is everything, and lemme tell ya, they’re on to something. To lose a few pounds, all you have to do is wait till the sun is just right… and BOOM everyone assumes you eat cotton balls for dinner.

Evan Boydstun

Evan Boydstun

Evan Boydstun: 1 Quarantine: 0

Total Pull-Up Count: 52,000

I’m sure if you’ve made it this far, you already know what this post is going to be about. You’re probably pausing and reading this on Instagram (all 3 of you, thank you) which means you saw I put my communications degree in full force and engineered a DIY barbell.
Today started just like everyone else’s day: 500 pull-ups, 500 push-ups, 100 handstand push-ups etc. but after six weeks of neglecting my legs (and refusing to run, seriously cannot wrap my head around how that’s enjoyable??) I realized I’ve had enough. I’m so sick of looking top-heavy and I don’t want to have to wear baggy pants this summer to hide my spongebob legs.

Ain’t she a beauty :,)

Ain’t she a beauty :,)

The DIY Barbell


2x50lbs. bags of sand (or go to your local sandbox? I’m not telling you to do anything but..)

1 galvanized steel pipe: 1 inch diameter, 5 feet long. (Also galvanized is such a dope word)

Duct Tape: the whole roll

8x1 Gallon of Arrowhead water (I tried chugging as much as I could before I drained it. Also, there’s nothing wrong with arrowhead, it’s water you swine).

Altogether, I spent about $50.00 on this engineered masterpiece, whereas a barbell alone can cost an arm and both of your legs (so there would be no point in needing one to squat).

Evan Boydstun

Evan Boydstun

Also, might I suggest investing in some natural weight cushions. It costs about a few thousand shrugs but works wonders.


Today, I was going to head to Ace Hardware to buy some supplies to build my own barbell and my Jeep’s battery died. I was so gung-ho to go too. My spirits were crushed. I ended up skating to the gas station down the street and bought a quest bar and a bang to raise my spirits. It just made me jittery.


50 Bongos. 50 Johnies, 50% through this incredibly unnecessary challenge. However, I do remember some of you arm-chair quarterbacks saying it couldn’t be done, but we’re currently 32.79% through the year, and I’m already halfway there. I wish I had some pictures to post with this but I mean you can just look at every other Instagram pic I have, since I’m shirtless in almost all of them (sorry Grammy). To all three of you that read this blog, thank you!